

author 2024-12-02 23人围观 ,发现6个评论

近期,加密货币领域出现一个引人注目的现象:巨鲸级投资者纷纷关注去中心化科学(DeSci)赛道,特别是与长寿相关的生物科技项目。币安创始人CZ和以太坊创始人Vitalik的互动,以及Binance Labs对BIO Protocol的投资,都标志着DeSci概念的升温。BIO Protocol是一个旨在通过链上机制加速科学研究的平台,它创建并支持BioDAOs,为科学研究提供资金和流动性。与此同时,DeSci概念也催生了多个MEME代币的火热,例如与利福平抗生素实验相关的RIF以及与尿石素A实验相关的URO,以及代表学术自由的SCIHUB,这些代币的市值在短期内迅速飙升,引发市场关注。这些代币的成功,很大程度上源于其背后的科学研究和社会情绪共鸣。然而,DeSci赛道仍处于早期阶段,相关概念的落地和实际应用存在不确定性,投资者需谨慎评估风险。尽管如此,DeSci的出现,为科学研究提供了一种新的融资和协作模式,也为加密货币市场注入了新的活力。这波MEME币的热潮,或许可以被解读为‘情绪发行’,成功的关键在于能否引发大众共鸣。

  • 2024-12-02 19:14:35

    DeSci is interesting, but high risk. MEME coins driven by hype are a gamble; long-term viability is questionable. Will be watching for further developments.

  • 2024-12-02 21:32:43

    DeSci sounds promising, but high risk, high reward, right? Interesting to see big names involved. Will keep an eye on BIO Protocol.

  • 2024-12-05 05:50:36

    DeSci sounds promising, but high risk, high reward. Interesting to see how BIO Protocol develops. The meme coin aspect is intriguing but also concerning regarding volatility.

  • 2024-12-05 08:21:50

    DeSci sounds interesting, especially the connection with longevity research. However, the meme coin aspect makes me wary. High risk, high reward, I guess?

  • 2024-12-05 09:46:28

    DeSci sounds interesting, but also risky. Will keep an eye on BIO Protocol and the meme coins, but definitely need more info before investing.

  • 2024-12-05 17:37:35


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